Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR


Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR

Product key:FW2293

Trenutna cena: 14.399 RSD
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Available colors
  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR

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Work days from 08 to 16h (only for online orders)

  • Product description:

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A vegan version of the legendary adidas Superstar shoes. The undeniable impact of the adidas Superstar Shoes has touched most corners of the earth. From basketball courts to stages to cities all across the world, you can just imagine the miles collectively walked in them over the last 50 years. Today they step out ready for the next 50. This shoe alone can not save the planet, but what you do in them can help make a difference.
