
The company UNIVERS CO was founded in 1992 in Belgrade. The company have been privately owned by MR. Dragoslav Jovic since the establishment, who also represent a CEO of the company.
Industrial Classification
The company is a retailer of sports equipment and clothing in stores and wholesale. Our company currently has 200 employees.
Retail stores
It has a chain of retail stores under the name "Tref Sport" in Serbia. Currently there are 40 in all major cities in Serbia: Belgrade, Novi Sada, Niši, Zrenjanin, Pančevo, Kuršumlija, Bor, Čačak, Valjevo, Sokobanja, Apatin, Raška, Aleksandrovac.
If you want to join us, send us your CV to posao@universco.rs
Conditions of employment at the position of Seller:
Minimum hight scool education
Experience in sales
Computer skills
Knowledge of English language
