Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR


Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR

Product key:FU9523

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  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
  • Men's Sneakers SUPERSTAR
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Since their beginning, the iconic adidas Superstar Shoes have been worn by those paving the way. Those who have stood for themselves and stood for others. That list includes you. In honor of inclusivity, this version features bold colors that represent every color we can see in this world. The 3-Stripes and rubber shell toe endure.
