CRISTINA, Ženski Duks
CRISTINA, Ženski Duks
CRISTINA, Ženski Duks
CRISTINA, Ženski Duks
CRISTINA, Ženski Duks
CRISTINA, Ženski Duks
CRISTINA, Ženski Duks
CRISTINA, Ženski Duks


CRISTINA, Ženski Duks

Product key:121010035 BLACK

Trenutna cena: 6.650 RSD
Stara cena: 9.500 RSD
Savings: 2.850 RSD

Availability in stores

*displayed prices are with VAT included

Free delivery for all orders over 6000 RSD

For more information, help or ordering: 011 310 8000
Work days from 08 to 16h (only for online orders)

  • Product description:

  • Specification

  • Brand

Comfortable black women's sweatshirt with a hood of the brand ECKO UNLTD, made of pure cotton and ideal for the transitional period. The materials that make up this article are carefully selected and of high quality, and provide a feeling of ease and comfort when wearing. It easily fits into any outfit and allows you to express your character and authenticity.
