-30%On SALE
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD
-30%On SALE
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD
-30%On SALE
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD
-30%On SALE
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD
Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD


Women's sweater ADIDAS W 3S FZ HD

Product key:GL1462

Trenutna cena: 5.040 RSD
Stara cena: 7.200 RSD
Savings: 2.160 RSD
Size Determine the size

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*displayed prices are with VAT included

Free delivery for all orders over 6000 RSD

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Work days from 08 to 16h (only for online orders)

  • Product description:

  • Specification

  • Brand

Women's hooded sweatshirt suitable for sports and everyday activities. It is made of a combination of natural and artificial materials. It has a hood with laces and pockets with a patent. Superior comfort, fits nicely on the shoulders.
