Baby-girl T-shirt
Baby-girl T-shirt
Baby-girl T-shirt
Baby-girl T-shirt


Baby-girl T-shirt

Product key:331567 0500

Trenutna cena: 290 RSD
Stara cena: 690 RSD
Savings: 400 RSD
Available colors
  • Majica baby-girl, fushia

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*displayed prices are with VAT included

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For more information, help or ordering: 011 310 8000
Work days from 08 to 16h (only for online orders)

  • Product description:

  • Specification

  • Brand

FOX baby-girl T-shirt in grey color with interesting graphics, made of soft cotton.

FOX clothing are designed for the younger population, as well as those who prefer to wear cheerful, youthful clothes. The product range of the brand FOX is casual clothing, t-shirts, jeans, sweat shirts ... The collections are designed for both men and women, as well as children, and babies, which can meet the broad population lovers of fashion brands.
